Wow!  HERE WE ARE in our last week of school. You did it!  I am going to miss all of my Bobcats:)

Just a note to let you know that while I will not be checking my voicemail this summer, I will be checking my email on a weekly basis.

I encourage everyone to continue reading and to check my Handouts/Resources page for summer reading ideas.

Congratulations on an amazing year!

Michelle Glaser
[email protected]
It is that TIME! Our school year is quickly coming to an end.  While we look forward to vacations, outdoor activities, and summer leisure, it's extremely important to KEEP READING! Students can lose 2+ months of reading achievement if they don't engage in summer reading. And I'm here to help you with the ideas and resources needed to keep those pages turning! Visit the Handouts/Resources section under the MORE tab at the top of this page to find links that will guide reading growth.  I will be adding resources over the next few weeks so make sure to check back!